embrace challenge

Aim True / Phase 4

As we clearly define our worthy pursuit, we include plenty of these three essential ingredients – meaning, challenge, and vulnerability. Accessing more of our potential requires taking on a mission we care about deeply. Meaning is the wind beneath our wings, propelling us to new heights. But the more we care, the more our insecurities and worries get magnified. 

Not feeling any resistance is a clear indication that we’re aiming too low. Just like in the dragon protecting the gold fairytales – what we want most is where we’re most afraid to go. We turn this fear into fuel by viewing it as reassurance that our pursuit is worthy. 

Once the target is chosen, we make a commitment to spend everyday giving all that we have to move closer to it. We become willing to stand face to face with the dragon and strive to prevail.


If you missed the other phases towards living unbound, read here » Phase 1 / Phase 2 / Phase 3