We can't wait to reach the top of the mountain, but the happiness and growth happens during the climb. Look at the top of the peak on the right.
Photo by Will Wissman
As your faith is strengthened you will find that there is no longer the need to have a sense of control, that things will flow as they will, and that you will flow with them, to your great delight and benefit.
- Emmanuel Teney
Photo by Jaider Lozano // www.6feetandperfect-gallery.com
A woman says in this trailer "Before you jump off the cliff you've got a million things racing through your mind, once you jump... nothing." I've noticed fear is like that, you're afraid before the action, not during. If you're feeling anxious about taking a leap, just know that all the anxiety fades away once you step off the edge.
European Outdoor Film Tour (E.O.F.T.) - Official Trailer 12/13 from Vincent Urban on Vimeo.
People want certainty that they won’t get hurt, that they'll be successful or that the risk will be worth the reward. The desire for certainty scares us into living unfulfilled lives, never taking the leap we know we need to take. Although we fear the unknown; we need it for progress, success and self-discovery. Embrace uncertainty.
Photo by Lucas Gilman // Athlete: Jesse Coombs // Location: Mesa Falls, ID, USA
Make mistakes of ambition and not mistakes of sloth. Develop the strength to do bold things, not the strength to suffer.
- Machiavelli
Photo by Tom Servais // www.6feetandperfect-gallery.com
The clear road ahead - It’s easy, it’s popular, it’s comforting, it’s safe, it’s unfulfilling, it’s monotony, it’s defeat, it’s not you. Get off the next exit.