go seek by live unbound

Our New Video » Go Seek

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Myself, Eric Gillespie, Kylor Melton and Harmon Clarke took a road trip through Bryce Canyon, Canyonlands, Oljato Monument Valley and Lake Powell to shoot this. Shot on a RED epic, 5D mark iii, Inspire Copter and an iPhone (battery ran out on those graveyard shots...). Also we had a crazy moment in the middle of nowhere, deep inside the slots of Labyrinth Canyon we ran into Jay-Z!

Making these videos is always a challenge because we're operating at a bare minimum budget but we were lucky to have the support of Nectar Sunglasses and Forsake so make sure you check them out and show them some love :)

I got inspired to write the voice over in the video after visiting Da Poetry Lounge in West Hollywood and hearing some legendary spoken word pieces by people like Shane Koyczan. So I decided to give it a shot… Here is the transcript »

I want to go on a road trip with no plans

Play with my inner child

Take my heart off the leash and let it run wild


Have you ever drove past a hill on the side of the road

and had an urge to just stop and run up it?

Break the routine and just do something different


But instead you just keep on driving

looking back at your rear view at what could have been

I’m so tired of this feeling that the best is yet to come

the best is right here, right now

yes there’s what you need to do to make a living

but there’s also what you must do to feel alive


Go seek

because life is hidden and in adventure it can be found

because these pursuits are triggers for self-actualization, releasing my potential

because my body can only feel rested after it’s pushed, stretched and tested

because sometimes I feel like something is sleeping inside of me

deprived, just waiting to be revived


I need to be revitalized

I think that if I can spark this fire I can find the strength to reach higher

challenge myself in experiences I’ll never forget

and when I’m 80 years old on my rocking chair I’ll have no regrets

this is my calling, I’m all in


but it’s not just a desire, it’s my responsibility

because these places open up my eyes to  possibility

giving access to the limitless nature of our existence

distance from that voice in my head that says stop when I struggle to stay persistent


So I chase the version of me I want to be

stay on track by following the fear that holds me back

climbing up a setback, deep inside of what I lack

I’m stalling, running as fast as I can but feel like I’m crawling

I tell myself to take a break, relax

let what you lack be an empty crack

you don’t have to be whole to be intact

but I’m not very good at lying to myself

I know I need to catch that uncatchable self

I know that trying to be more than I am is who I am

I know that I’m in love with the never ending search

it’s my drive, my passion, my thirst

and it’s not because I’m never satisfied, it’s because I’m always satisfied

learning how to glide in this bumpy ride

this is my life commute

it’s not the pursuit of happiness

it’s the happiness of pursuit


I know that this trip will be over in a flash so I respect the dash

the gravestone dash between birth and death is my time

my time to explore, my time to live unbound.