
Where We Thrive

2014 was a reminder that a worthy pursuit is less about accomplishing the goal and more about the incredible life you’re given when you strive to accomplish it. I tend to set my goals much higher than I can reach and see what happens when I try. The hard part is to not be disappointed when you fall short and remember that you’re much higher than where you began.

At the end of the day we’re having a blast here at LU, dreaming up new ways to inspire and bring this incredible community together. We will most definitely live 2015 unbound because adventure is where we thrive. As a result every year, every day & every second is full of possibilities.

Stairway to Heaven, Oahu // Surreal Place #14

It began as a wooden ladder built by the U.S. Military to gain access to a radio antenna. Now the Haiku Stairs are 4,000 steps leading to the Puu Keahiakahoe summit.  

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Photo by Kristofor Gellert

Photo by Ruidi Wang

Photo by Myk Salonga