A couple days ago I released our new short documentary "Follow Your Fears" and since then it's been featured on dozens of blogs, licensed by GoPro, nominated for short of the week and Vimeo staff picks.
Creating it was a beautiful struggle filled with many unexpected hurdles but the experience is certainly one I'll never forget. Thank you Brad O'Neal for pouring your heart out without hesitation and putting everything on the line to make this happen.
It all started when Brad applied to our Dream Enablers program saying »
I am currently building a ramp in an attempt to be the first person to jump a motorcycle high enough to base jump from. This has been my dream since I was 12 yrs old, when I thought of the idea. Now at 26 yrs I'm still working on it and hopefully 2014 is my year! Actually the ramp is halfway built and sitting in my driveway lol. Just need outside support and this could be done in march this year.
He did wind up completing the jump in March and walked away safe and sound. Witnessing this process has been an important reminder that obstacles don't exist to stop you, just to test how bad you want it.
- Yali
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