live unbound video

Accept No Limits

Wrote this one myself and put a lot of heart into it!

Watch here »

Script »

Imagine you’re 90 years old, sitting in your rocking chair, looking back at your life. Do you think you’ll have any regrets? If you continue living the way that you’re living right now, will you be truly fulfilled when it’s all over?

If the answer is no then ask yourself why? Why would anyone reject the calling to become what they believe they have the potential to be?

Because we limit ourselves in an effort to avoid fear, failure, uncertainty, stress, discomfort or any sort of pain we think we’ll experience. So we build this highly effective prevention machine designed to protect us from having to struggle.

Destroy this machine.

Destroy the part of yourself that’s stopping you from living the incredible life you’re capable of creating. The part that strives to prevent the possibility of being rejected, embarrassed or ignored. Feel the pain that is holding you back. Feel it making you stronger. Feel yourself coming back to life as you take the first step towards the future you want.

And when that voice in your head says your pursuit is far-fetched, too difficult, too risky, impossible. Tell it that it’s okay if you think it can’t be done just don’t distract me while I do it.

Don’t allow the prevention machine to trick you into believing that if you keep it running then life will be easy. It’s not easy to settle for less when you know you’re capable of more. To be bored out of your mind sitting at a desk waiting for the weekend to come. It’s not easy to retreat. To ignore the path you know you need to take.

Because when you limit yourself then you don’t feel like yourself. Just some watered down version. You become the result of abiding by every self-imposed limitation that presented itself.

Never give up on something you can’t go one day without thinking about.

We all go through that – not doing the thing we know we have to do and instead taking a safer path that has a reward visible at the end. But that’s not your path. Yours is the crazy looking trail on the edge of a cliff with giant gaps and no end in sight.

Go there.

Go where you have less comfort and security but more passion and possibility. Embrace the struggle. Welcome uncertainty. And the more vulnerable you feel, the weaker the machine becomes until it breaks down completely.

There’s a certain freedom in that. The kind that comes from knowing that whatever force tries to stop you has no chance. Knowing that you’re giving life everything you have. Knowing that you're becoming all that you could be. You’ll wake up excited everyday with one mission – break walls and build bridges towards the most enlivening pursuit you can dream up.

Aren’t you tired of wondering what you’re truly capable of? Find out.

And when you’re 90 years old, sitting in your rocking chair looking back at your life, you’ll be fully satisfied. Truly fulfilled. You’ll be proud of the person you’ve become.

Live Unbound is Back!

Just relaunched Live Unbound after spending a couple years working on TV shows and doing some aimless traveling.  

I decided it’s time to dive back into the work that I love the most. Just finished the 8th video for a series of one minute videos made from speeches that had a big impact on my life.

Here’s the first one and I’ll be releasing a new one every week. 

I’ll be posting regularly on Instagram @weliveunbound & Facebook

If you have suggestions for speeches, quotes or any insights that have inspired you then just reply to this email or contact me here. Or if you just want to say hi and chat then that’s cool too :)  

– Yali

Sphere Skydiving Formation

While shooting our next short Doc on skydiver Dan BC we met Brad Patterson who told us about his idea to re-create Paul Bonds 1980 human sphere painting (the poster in the beginning of the video). Brad came up with an execution plan and assembled an incredible team that nailed it on the 2nd attempt. Welcome to the world of 3D Formations! The options are limitless and the team will be experimenting with new techniques at Skydive Perris.

Our New Short Documentary

A couple days ago I released our new short documentary "Follow Your Fears" and since then it's been featured on dozens of blogs, licensed by GoPro, nominated for short of the week and Vimeo staff picks

Creating it was a beautiful struggle filled with many unexpected hurdles but the experience is certainly one I'll never forget.  Thank you Brad O'Neal for pouring your heart out without hesitation and putting everything on the line to make this happen.  

It all started when Brad applied to our Dream Enablers program saying »

I am currently building a ramp in an attempt to be the first person to jump a motorcycle high enough to base jump from. This has been my dream since I was 12 yrs old, when I thought of the idea.  Now at 26 yrs I'm still working on it and hopefully 2014 is my year! Actually the ramp is halfway built and sitting in my driveway lol. Just need outside support and this could be done in march this year.

He did wind up completing the jump in March and walked away safe and sound. Witnessing this process has been an important reminder that obstacles don't exist to stop you, just to test how bad you want it.  

- Yali

Purchase poster here // Designed by Harsya Ibrahim