inspirational blog

Actualize / Phase 7

Each phase has optimized our performance, alignment and mind-state so that we can now become a version of ourselves more capable than we ever imagined. Fully awake and connected with the pursuit that is most important to our souls evolution; we start to progress exponentially.  

We wake up excited everyday, willing to dive into chaos to actualize any undertaking. When resistance pops up, it no longer has the power to guide our actions. We’ve perfected a system that dismantles our cognitive traps and excuses. 

Immersed in the successes, failures, pleasures, and struggles of the path – we reach a new kind of fulfillment. One that comes from knowing we’re giving life everything we have, we’re becoming all that we could be and whatever force tries to stop us has no chance.

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Read all Phases here »

Pursue Relentlessly / Phase 5

In this phase, the meaning of life is to break walls and build bridges towards the most enlivening pursuit we can dream up. We unleash every ounce of grit we have to keep climbing no matter what. 

Even though everyday is supercharged with purpose, it’s also filled with struggles. It’s easy to welcome in those limiting thought patterns that want to guide us back to the ease of mediocrity. 

Dare to believe that something inside of you is superior to circumstances. This outlook turns seemingly hopeless situations into enjoyable challenges. Our resilience comes from viewing problems as puzzles, failures as lessons and adversity as a catalyst for growth.

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Previous phases » Phase 1 / Phase 2 / Phase 3 / Phase 4

The Empty Space

I recently went on a road trip through New Zealand and as incredible as it was, I found it hard to do “nothing” without feeling guilty – just travel for the sake of traveling. Without making a film or writing or progressing in any sort of way.

I struggle with letting go of the need to constantly improve. But doing nothing is not irresponsible or even counterproductive, it’s essential for perspective – seeing if all this progress is taking you in the right direction.  

I wrote this after the trip »

I’m stuck. Stuck in progress, ambition, achievements, relentless perpetual growth.

As if it doesn’t matter where I’m going as long as I’m shooting for the moon but we all know what happens when you install that update too soon. What do I do when I can’t stop running and last year’s dreams came true and mean nothing?

Realize that the stories you tell yourself about what you should strive for, what you’re capable of and what you need, are fabricated. To avoid the vulnerability of living in truth, they deflate it. Compelling lies told to replace it. Using so much of your vitality to justify why you’re not doing what you know you must do.

I’ll do it next year, it’s in queue. Or I don’t have what it takes to break through, don’t bite off more than you can chew. It takes a lot of effort to convince myself it’s true.

I grew up on just do it, impossible is nothing, you only live once, be all you can be and I listened. Conditioned for progress, never fearing it. But the priority became maintaining it as opposed to steering it.  

You’ll need to shift an ideology that’s deeply implanted. Progress isn’t linear, it’s an assembly. To put it together, first, be empty. Hit the delete button on everything. Create a space where only truth is allowed to cultivate. Lie detect every thought, belief and insight through a security gate.

In this space, let go of what feels heavy and grab a hold of what feels right. Unanchored by rules, schedules and convention. Be light. Open, patient, content. No to-do lists. No intent.

But I feel guilty when I do nothing. Like it’s counterproductive, even irresponsible, like I’m avoiding something.  

You’re a product of the “doer” culture that doesn’t welcome the in-between space. It wants you to leap from one goal to the next in a never ending chase.  It’s debilitating, disorienting, intangible. While the clarity that comes from surrendering to emptiness is invaluable. You’re not falling short of anything.

Dive into whatever’s inviting. In this space, exploration isn’t limited to what makes sense but whatever feels exciting.  

I’ve been here before but felt reluctant. Despite how enjoyable it can be, I never embraced it without judgment.

Expect resistance when allowing time to incubate. If you tear open a cocoon to free a butterfly, you’ll ruined the process that forms its wings. Don’t ask how long this is going to take. Or what aligning with truth will awake.   

Just know that a new future is taking root. A map is being designed. Simple and resolute. Renewing. Slowly expanding. In the emptiness, something is brewing.

Photo » @whereisyali

Susceptible to Possibility

When you’re striving to do your best work or be your best self then you’re also more susceptible to pain.  The pain of not meeting expectations, of being misunderstood or discovering weaknesses.  As Seth Godin said:

“The easiest way to avoid the pain is to lull it to sleep by finding a job that numbs you.” 

But being susceptible to pain also means you're susceptible to possibility.  The possibility of earning the endless rewards that come with shining your light instead of hiding it.

​Photo by Todd Glaser

Discovering Your Freedom

Trying to be more than I am is who I am.  Not because I'm never satisfied but because it's so much fun. 

I don't think that exploring your capabilities is extreme, I think it’s a natural human tendency.  You can think of it as breaking your limitations or you can think of it as discovering your freedom.

Photo by Wolfgang Lienbacher